17th Century Maritime and Naval Dictionaries
- 1626
- Smith, John: An Accidence, or The path-way to experience.
Necessary for all young sea-men, or those that are desirous
to goe to sea, briefly shewing the phrases, offices, and
words of command, belonging to the building, ridging, and
sayling, a man of warre; and how to manage a fight at Sea.
Together with the charge and duty of every officer, and
their shares: also the names, vveight, charge, shot, and
powder, of all sorts of great ordnance. With the vse of the
petty tally.
Printed by N. Okes for Ionas Man and Benjamin Fisher,
London, 1626 (1st). 8vo, 13,5×7,5 cm, 38 pp.
RCA records (8), 42 pp & Roberts records 4to, iv, 42 pp.
Other editions 1627 (2nd) and 1636 and enlarged in
A Sea Grammar in 1627, 1653, 1691, 1692, 1699
and 1705.
Reprinted 1884, 1895, 1907 and 1910 in The Complete
Works of John Smith.
JCB has a copy with a variant dedication to Sir Robert Heath
on A2r.
- 1627
- Smith, John: An Accidence, or The Path-way to Experience.
Necessary for all Young Sea-men; …
Briefly shewing the Phrases, Offices, and Words of Command,
Belonging to the Building, Ridging, and Sayling, a Man of
Warre; And How to managing a Fight at Sea …
Written by Captaine Iohn Smith ….
Printed by N. Okes for Jonas Man, and Benjamin Fisher,
London, 1627. 4to, (4), 42 (i.e. 38), (2) pp
[pp 20-23 omitted in pagination].
A re-issue, with only the date changed, of the original
edition of 1626.
- 1627
- Smith, John: A Sea Grammar, with the Plaine Exposition of
Smiths Accidence for young Sea-men, enlarged. Diuided
into fifteene Chapters: what they are you may partly
conceiue by the Contents. Written by Captaine Iohn Smith,
sometimes Gouernour of Virginia, and Admirall of Nevv-England.
Iohn Haviland, London, 1627. 8vo, 16,5×10,5 cm,
(12), 76 pp.
Pagination irregular 55=54, 54=55, 70 unnumbered,
Facsimile: Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, Amsterdam, 1968.
Michael Joseph, London, 1970. 8vo, xxxii, 113 pp, 10 plates.
Edited by Kermit Goell.
A second and expanded edition of An Accidence, or
path-way to experience, first published in 1626.
- 1636
- Cleirac, Estienne: Explication des termes de marine
employez dans les édicts, ordonnances et reglemens de
l'Admirauté …
M. Brunet, Paris, 1639. 8vo, ii, 52 pp.
- 1636
- (Smith, John): An accidence for the sea.
Very necessary for all young sea-men, or those that are
desirous to goe to sea, briefly shewing the phrases, offices
and words of command, belonging to the building, rigging,
and sayling a man of warre; and how to manage a navy and
fight at sea. Together with the charge and duty of every
officer, and their shares. Also the names, weight, charge,
shot, and powder, of all sorts of great ordnance. With the
use of the petty tally.
Printed by T.H. for Benjamin Fisher, and are to be sold at
his shop at the sign of the Talbot in Aldersgate Street,
London, 1636. 8vo, 16 cm, (10), 62 pp.
Anonymus. A new preface by B.F[isher].
First edition published 1626.
- 1639
- Cleirac, Estienne: Explication des termes de marine
employez dans les édicts, ordonnances et reglemens de
l'Admirauté …
M. Brunet, Paris, 1639. 8vo, ii, 52 pp, plates. First edition 1636.
- 1641
- Smith, John: The Sea-Mans Grammar and Dictionary.
Randal Taylor, London, 1641. -8vo, (4), 83 pp.
- 1644
- Mainwaring, Henry: The Sea-mans Dictionary: Or, An
Exposition and Demonstration of all the Parts and Things belonging to a
Shippe: Together with an Explanation of all the Termes and Phrases used in the
Practique of Navigation. Composed by that able and experienced Sea-man S
Henry Manwayring, Knight: And by him presented to the late Duke of Buckingham,
the then Lord High Admirall of England.
Printed by G.M. for John Bellamy, London, 1644 (1st). 4to, 14,5×10,5 cm,
viii, 118, (10) pp.
Facsimile: Scolar Press, Menston, 1972.
Printed from a manuscript written between 1620-1623.
Other editions 1666, 1667, 1670 and 1675-82.
- 1647
- Cleirac, Estienne: Explication des termes de marine
employes dans les édicts, ordonaces et reglemens de l'admiraté
Jacques Mongiron Millanges, Bordeaux, 1647. -4to,
First edition 1636.
- 1653
- Smith, John: The sea-mans grammar: containing most plain
and easie directions, how to build, rigge, yard, and mast any
ship whatsoever. With the plain exposition of all such
terms as are used in a navie and fight at sea.
Andrew Kemb, London, 1653. 4to, 20 cm, (4), 85 pp.
Rearranged and enlarged by an unknown writer and divided
into fifteen chapters. First edition 1626.
- 1657
- anonymous: Déclaration des Noms Propres des
Piàces de Bois et Autres pièces nécessaires tant à
la construction des Navires de Guerre que de traitte, selon l'usage de la
Marine, mesme des lieux conteneus ausdits Navires, pour le logement des
Officers & autres hommes de service, Auitaillement d'iceux, Armes, Canons &
Munitions, tant pout l'offensive que deffensive; comme aussi pour le commerce,
& autres commoditez en despendantes; Ensemble des Agrez, ustenciles et
equipages pour la Navigation: et encores des mots usitez les hommes de Marine;
le tout fort utile à la grandeur des Princes, & et autres grands
Personnages, profitable à la Noblesse, & à tous ceux qui ont
affection de fréquenter la Mer, pour le bien du public; Et surtout pour
l'employ & richesse des Peuples à l'imitation des Estrangers.
Chez Louis Boissevin, Paris, 1657. Broadsheet [with accompanying
- 1660
- Cleirac, Estienne: Explication des termes de marine
employez dans les édicts, ordonnances et reglemens de
l'admirauté …
M. Brunet, Paris, 1660. 8vo, 57 pp.
- 1660
- Cleirac, Estienne: Explication des Termes de Marine
employes dans les Edicts, Ordonaces et Règlemens de l'Admiraté
G. Millanges, Bordeaux, 1647. -4to, 79 pp, 1 plate.
First edition 1636.
- 1666
- Mainwaring, Henry: The Sea-Man's Dictionary &etc.
Joseph Moxon, London, 1666. ?? pp.
This edition was probably entirely destroyed by the Great Fire.
First printed in 1644.
- 1667
- Mainwaring, Henry: The Sea-Man's Dictionary: or, An
Exposition and Demonstration of all the Parts and Things belonging to a Ship.
Together with An Explanation of all the Termes and Phrases used in the Practique
of Navigation. Composed by that Able and Experienced Sea-Man Sir Henry
Manwayring Knight, And by him presented to the late Duke of Bukingham, the then
Lord High Admiral of England.
Printed by W. Godbid for G. Hurlock, London, 1667. 4to, 15×10 cm, (4), 132
pp. Without the allegorical introduction and index of the original 1644 edition.
A postscript of uncertain origin has been added.
- 1670
- Mainwaring, Henry: The Sea-mans Dictionary: or, An
Exposition and Demonstration of all the Parts and Things belonging to a Ship.
Together with an Explanatios (sic) of all the Terms and Phrases used in the
Practick of Navigation. Composed by that Able and Experienced Sea-man Sir Henry
Manwayring Knight, And by him presented to the late Duke of Buckingham, the then
Lord High Admiral of England.
Printed by W. Godbid for Benjamin Hurlock, London, 1670. 4to, 15×10 cm, (4),
132 pp.
This edition is a reissue of the 1667 edition with a new titlepage. First
printed 1644.
- 1675
- Mainwaring, Henry: The Sea-Mans Dictionary; or the
Exposition and Demonstration of all parts and things belonging to a ship.
Printed for and sold by William Fisher & Thomas Passenger &
Robert Boulter & Ralph Smith, London, (1675-1678). ?? pp.
No copy located, only known from an advertisment at the
end of The Seaman's Practice, R. Norwood, 1678 & 1682.
- 1681
- anonymous: Termes desquels on use sur mer dans le
parler. AVec les piàces et parties d'un vaisseau et de ses
manoeeuvres. Le tout par ordre alphabétique, tiré des plus
habiles auteurs, pilotes et matelots.
Jacques Gruchet, Le Havre de Grâce, 1681. 12mo, 50 pp, 1 plate.
- 1681
- Winschooten, Wigardus: W. à Winschootens
Seeman: Behelsende Een grondige uitlegging van de
Neederlandse Konst, en Spreekwoorden, voor soo veel die uit de Seevaart sijn
ontleend, en bij de beste Schrijvers deeser eeuw gevonden.
Johannes de Vivie, Leiden, 1681. -8vo, xiv, 368 pp.
- 1685
- Boteler, Nathaniel: Six Dialogues about Sea
Services. Between an High-Admiral and a Captain at Sea. Concerning the
Commander in Chief ...
The Common Mariner ...
The Victualling out of Ships ...
The Names of all the Parts of a Ship ...
The Choice of the Best Ships of War ...
The Sailings, Signals, Chases and Fights ...;
By Nathaniel Boteler esq; lately a commander and a captain
in one of His Majesties Royal ships of war.
Moses Pitt, London, 1685.-8vo, 13x6,5 cm, (4), 404, (12) pp.
Reprinted as NRS Vol. LXV in 1929. 8vo, xl, 342 pp, 7 plates.
Seems to have been written in 1634. Relying heavily on the
works by Smith and Mainwaring. Second edition in 1688 with the title
Colloquia Maritima.
- 1687
- Desroches: Dictionnaire des termes propres de marine. Par Mr. Desroches Officier Vaisseaux du Roy. Avec les Enseignes & les Pavillons que chaque Nation porte à la Mer. Dessignez et Plasonnez.
Amable Auroy, Paris, 1687. -8vo, (12), 576 pp, 21 plates.
Reference: Polak 2593.
- 1688
- Boteler, Nathaniel: Colloquia Maritima; or, Sea
Dialogues, treating ...
useful for all that desire knowledge in Sea-Affairs.
William Fisher & Richard Mount, London, 1688. 8vo, 13x6,5 cm, (6), 404, (12)
London, 1883.
Identical to the first edition with the title
Six Dialogues about Sea Services, 1685, with exception of a new title
page and the dedication which has been left out.
- 1691
- Smith, John: The sea-mans grammar and dictionary,
explaining all the difficult terms in navigation: and The practical navigator
and gunner: in two parts. Containing,
I. Most plain and easie directions, to build, rigg, yard, and mast any ship
whatsoever. With the manner of working of a ship in all weathers: - and how to
manage a fight at sea: - also the charge and duty of every officer in a ship,
and their shares - and the use of the petty tally.
II. An abstract of the art of gunnery, (or shooting in great ordnance and morter
pieces:) wherein the principles of that art are plainly taught by arithmetical
calculation, and by tables ready calculated - with the compositions for the
making of several fire works useful in war both at sea and land. - And an
appendix how by several geometrical ways to take heights, depths, and distances,
accessible or inaccessible. By Captain John Smith …
Now much amplified and enlarged, with variety of experiments, since his time,
made by several experienced navigators and gunners.
Printed and are to be sold by Randal Taylor, London, 1691.
4to, 15×9,5 cm, (8), 163, (24), 153-163 pp, incl. diagrs & 1 tab., 1 plate.
Pages 78, 96 wrongly numbered 87, 86; the twenty-four pages (sign. T-X)
between p. 136 and p. 153 are numbered:
129-136, 133, 138-139, 129, 142-143, 132-137, 130-131, 140.
Facsimile: Nautical Research Guild, Bethesda, 1983. pp 1-83.
A reprint of portions of the 1653 ed. of The Sea-mans Grammer with
additions by the printer, B.N. The folded plates comprise an engraving of a
sailing ship and accompanying letter-press.
First edition published in 1626.
- 1692
- Smith, John: The sea-mans grammar and dictionary,
explaining all the difficult terms in navigation: and The practical
navigator and gunner: in two parts. Containing, I. Most
plain and easie directions, to build, rigg, yard, and mast
any ship whatsoever. With the manner of working of a ship
in all weathers: - and how to manage a fight at sea:
- also the charge and duty of every officer in a ship, and their shares - and
the use of the petty tally.
II. An abstract of the art of gunnery, (or shooting in great ordnance and morter
pieces:) wherein the principles of that art are plainly taught by arithmetical
calculation, and by tables ready calculated - with the compositions for the
making of several fire works useful in war both at sea and land. - And an
appendix how by several geometrical ways to take heights, depths, and distances,
accessible or inaccessible. By Captain John Smith, sometime Governor of
Virginia, and Admiral of New-England. Now much amplified and enlarged, with
variety of experiments, since his time, made by several experienced navigators
and gunners.
Printed for T. Dring and B. Griffin, London, 1692.
4to, (8), 136, (24), 153-163 pp, incl. diagrs & tables, 2 plates.
Pages 78, 96 wrongly numbered 87, 86; the twenty-four pages (sign. T-X)
between p. 136 and p. 153 are numbered: 129-136, 133, 138-139, 129, 142-143,
132-137, 130-131, 140. Identical to the 1691 edition but with a new title page.
First edition 1626.
- 1693
- anonymous: Termes desquels on use sur mer dans le
parler. Avec les piàces et parties d'un vaisseau et de ses
manoeeuvres. Le tout par ordre alphabétique, tiré des plus
habiles auteurs, pilotes et matelots. Reveuë et corrigé de
G. G. Camarec, Brest, 1693. 12mo, 47 pp, 1 plate.
First edition 1693.
- 1696
- Fernández de Gamboa, Sebastián: Vocabulario
de los nombres que usan la gente de mar en todo lo que pertenece a su arte.
Imp. de los Hos. de Tomas López de Haro, Sevilla, 1696. iv, 100 pp.
Cf. the following work.
- 1696
- anon.: Vocabulario marítimo y explicacion de los
más principales vocablos que usa la gente de mar, en su exercicio de la
arte de marear.
Herederos de T. López de Haro, Sevilla, 1696. 100 pp.
This might be the same work as the preceeding item. Other editions were
published in 1698 and 1722.
- 1698
- anon.: Vocabulario marítimo y explicacion de los
más principales vocablos que usa la gente de mar, en su exercicio de la
arte de marear.
Sevilla, 1698.
Probably the second edition of the work published in 1696.
- 1699
- Smith, John: The Sea-Man's Grammar and
Dictionary, Explaining all the difficult Terms in Navigation: and The practical
Navigator and Gunner: in Two Parts. I. Most plain and easy Directions, to Build,
Rigg, Yard, and Mast any Ship whatsoever. With the manner of working of a Ship
in all Weathers: - And how to manage a Fight at Sea: - Also the Charge and Duty
of every Officer in a Ship, and their Shares - And the use of the Petty-Tally.
II. An Abstract of the Art of Gunnery, (or Shooting in great Ordnance and
Morter-Pieces): Wherein the Principles of that Art are plainly Taught, both by
Arithmetical Calculation, and by Tables ready Calculated - With the Composition
for the making of several Fire-Works useful in War, both at Sea and Land. - And
an Apendix how by several Geometrical Ways to take Heights, Depths, and
Distances, Accessible or Inaccessible. By Captain John Smith …
Now much Amplified and Enlarged, with variety of Experiments, since his Time,
made by several Experienced Navigators and Gunners.
Printed for Richard Mount, London, 1699. 4to, 16×11,5 cm,
(2), (8), 136, (24), 153-163 pp, ill., 1 fold. plate with
Pages 78, 96 wrongly numbered 87, 86; the twenty-four
pages (sign. T-X) between p. 136 and p. 153 are numbered:
129-144, 133-137, 130-131, 140. Sig. T3 (pp 133-134) is a cancel leaf.
A reprint of portions of the 1653 edition of The
Sea-Mans Grammer with additions by the printer, B.N.
The folded plates comprise an engraving of a two-decked ship
and accompanying letter-press.
First edition 1627.
Updated 1997-01-19 by
Lars Bruzelius
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