19th Century Maritime and Naval Dictionaries
- 1800
- Neumann, Henry: A Marine Pocket-Dictionary of the Italian Spanish, Portuguese and German Languages, with an English-French and
French-English Index; being a collection of a great variety of the most useful
sea-terms in the above idioms.
Vernor, Hood & Sharpe; J. Murray; T. Boosey; J. Aspener, London, 1800.
8vo, (c350) pp.
- 1801
- British Mariner's Encyclopaedia or, a New Universal and Complete Naval Dictionary. …
Alexander Hogg, London, 1801. 8vo, 484 pp.
[Ref. MM Vol. 65 (1979), p 182.]
- 1801
- Moore, J.J.: The British Mariner's Vocabulary, or
Universal dictionary of technical terms and sea phrases used in the
construction, equipment, management and military operations of a ship.
T. Hurst, London, 1801. 8vo, (261) pp, 8 plates.
Other editions: 1805 (2nd) & 1805 (US).
- 1802
- Falconer, William: An Universal Dictionary of the
A. Hogg, London, 1802 (8th rev.). 4to.
First edition published in 1769.
- 1804
- Falconer, William: The mariner's new and complete naval dictionary, in two parts: Part I. being a copius vocabulary of the British marine. Part II. A modern French marine dictionary. Third edition, revised, corrected, and improved by J.W. Norie.
J. Badcock, London, 1804. 8vo, 484 pp, plates.
First edition published in 1769.
- 1804
- Moore, J.J.: The Midshipman's, or, British Mariner's
Vocabulary, being a universal dictionary of technical terms and sea phrases used in
the construction, equipment, management and military operations of a ship.
Cundee, London, 1804.
- 1804
- Romme, Charles: Dictionnaire de la marine anglais, et tradution des termes de la marine anglaise en français; avec des notes et des figures.
Firmin Didot, Paris, 1804. 2 vols, 8vo, xii, 374 pp & (4), 253 pp, 3 pp adv., 2 fold. plates.
Second volume with the title …, et tradution des termes de la marine français; en anglaise; avec des notes et des figures. First edition 1792.
- 1805
- Moore, J.J.: The Midshipman's or British Mariner's
Vocabulary; being a universal dictionary of technical terms and sea phrases used in
the construction, equipment, management and military operations of a ship.
Vernor & Hood, London, 1805 (2nd). 8vo, fp, (268) pp, 8 plates.
First edition 1801.
- 1805
- Moore, J.J.: The mariner's dictionary, or, American
seaman's vocabulary of technical terms, and sea phrases, used in the
construction, equipment, management, and military operations, of ships and
vessels of all descriptions. Improved from an English work. Illustrated with copperplates, descriptive of all objects appertaining to seamanship.
William Duane, Washington, 1805. 8vo, iv, (2), 256 pp, 8 plates.
First edition 1801.
- 1805
- Norie, John William: Falconer improved and modernized. The mariner's new and complete Naval Dictionary, in two parts: Part I being a copius vocabulary of the British marine containing a copius explanation of the technical terms and sea phrases employed in the construction, equipment, furniture, machinery, movements, management, and military as well as naval operations of a ship; together with a full account of every thing relating to masts, sails, yards, rigging, &c. &c. Illustrated with thirteen engravings. Part II A modern French marine dictionary; containg all the sea phrases and technical terms used in the Marine of the French Republic, and the same faithfully translated into the English language. The whole including all the modern improvements and alterations in the British and French naval tactics, &c. Third edition, revised, corrected and improved, by J.W. Norie, teacher of navigation.
John Badcock, Harrison & Co., Hogg & Thurgood, London, 1805. 8vo, viii, 484 pp, 12 plates.
- 1805
- De Saint-Simon, Ludvig Herbert de: Engelsk og dansk marine-lexcon.
Copenhagen, 1805. 8vo.
- 1805
- Schneider, Christian Frederik: Engelsk og dansk Marine Lexicon.
G. Goldins, Copenhagen, 1805. 8vo, 12mo, 189 pp.
- 1808
- Neumann, Henry: A Marine Pocket-Dictionary of the Spanish, Portuguese, Italian and German Languages, with an English-French and French-English Index; being a collection of a great variety of the most useful sea-terms in the above idioms.
Vernor, Hood & Sharpe; J. Murray; T. Boosey; and J. Aspener, London, 1808 [2nd].
16mo, viii, (345) pp. First edition 1799.
- 1808
- De Saint-Simon, Ludvig Herbert de: Dansk-engelsk Søe-Lexcon udarbeidet af forfatteren til den ved Kongelige Søe-Cadet-Academie forordnede fransk-danske søe-ordbog.
Copenhagen, 1808. 8vo, 176 pp.
- 1810
- Lhuillier, Charles Marie L. & Petit, C.J.: Dictionnaire des termes de marine français-espagnols et espagnols-français; auquel on a ajout� un trait� de prononciation pour chaque langue.
Delance & Belin, Paris, 1810. 2 vols, 8vo, xxx, 246, (2) pp & (4), xxi, 247 pp.
- 1811
- Lantsheer, Hendrik Willem & Twent, A.C.: Dictionnaire des termes de marine français, recueillis et traduits en termes techniques hollandais et en partie en anglais. A l'usage des bureaux administrations et directions de la marine en Hollande; et particuli�rement pour messieurs les officiers de la marine, tant pour l'intelligence des livres nautiques, la tactique navale, signaux, instructions et ordres, que pour celle des manoeuvres journali�res.
van Cleef, The Hague & Amsterdam, 1811. +8vo, 159 pp.
Another edition 1833.
- 1811
- Nuovo dizionario tascabile di marina italiano-inglese.
Giovanni del Nobolo, Messina, 1811. 12mo, 208 pp. English title: The new marine pocket dictionary of the English and Italian languages.
- 1811
- Roebuck, Thomas: An English and Hindostanee naval dictionary of technical terms and sea phrases, … To which is prefixed a short grammar of the Hindostanee language, ...
Calcutta, 1811. 12mo.
Other editions: 1813, 1841 (4th), 1848, & 1882.
- 1812-1814
- de la Coudraye, François C�lestin de Loynes-Barraud: Dictionnaire de Marine.
Imprimerie de la Marine, St Petersbourg, 1812 & 1814. 4to.
The letters A and B only.
- 1813
- Roebuck, Thomas: An English and Hindoostanee naval dictionary of technical terms and sea phrases, …
Black, Parry, Calcutta, 1813. 12mo, 180 pp.
First edition 1811.
- 1813
- Romme, Charles: Dictionnaire de la marine fran�oise avec figures.
First edition: 1792.
- 1813-1814
- Stratico, Simone: Vocabolario di Marina in tre Lingue.
Stamperia Reale, Milan, 1813-1814. 3 vols., Obl4to, xx, 505, 15 pp & (2), 257 pp & 215 pp, 29 double-page plates.
- 1813
- Twent, A.C.: Zeeman's woordenboek; of, Versameling der meest gebruikelijke hollandsche zeekunstwoorden en spreekwijzen, in het fransch en engelsch overgebragt, tot nut van zeevarenden en amptenaren bij de marine.
Pieter den Hengst & van Cleef, The Hague & Amsterdam, 1813. 8vo, 194 pp.
English title: Naval dictionary, or collection of Dutch technical words and terms, translated into French and English, for the use of officers and seafaring people.
Second edition 1833.
- 1815
- Burney, William: A New Universal Dictionary of the
Marine, being, a copius Explanation of the Technical terms and Phrases usually
Employed in the Construction, Equipment, Machinery, Movements, and Military as
well as Naval, Operations of Ships: with such parts of Astronomy, and
Navigation, as will be Useful to Practical Navigators. Illustrated with a
Variety of Modern Designs of Shipping, etc. together with separate views of the
Masts, Yards, Sails, and Rigging. To which is annexed, A Vocabulary of French
Sea-phrases and Terms of Art, Collected from the Best Authorities. Originally
Compiled by William Falconer, Author of the Shipwreck, &c. Now Modernized and
much Enlarged, by William Burney, LL.D. Master of the Naval Academy,
T. Caldell & W. Davies, London, 1815. 4to, xvii, 708, 88 pp, 35 plates.
Facsimile: MacDonald and Jane's, London, 1974.
- 1815
- R�ding, J.H.: The Universal Marine Dictionary, Spanish and English; containing all the Spanish technical terms and phrases used in the art of constructing, equipping and managing vessels in all naval operations, navigation, maritime commerce and laws and in every nautical branch also in the making of cordage, masts, sails, anchors, blocks &c.&c.&c.
Philipp Andreas Nemnich, Hamburg, 1815. 4to, (152) pp.
- 1820
- Flines, Q. de: Scheeps en zeemans woordenboek; … in het nederduitsch en fransch be een verzameld; Nieuwe uitgaaf.
Arbon & Krap, Rotterdam, 1820.
- 1820
- Willaumez, Jean Baptiste: Dictionnaire de Marine, suivi d'un Appendice sur un mod�le de fr�gate de premier rang, dont la construction est ordonn�e � Brest.
Bachelier, Paris, 1820. 8vo, viii, 410 pp, 9 fold. plates (2 col.).
Other editions: 1825 (2nd), and 1831 (3rd).
- 1823
- Costa Campus, Mauricio da: Vocabulario marujo: ou Conhecimento de todos os cabos necessarios ao navio; do seu poliame, e de todos os terminos marujaes, e de alguns da construccao naval, e artilheria; de indispensavel conhecimento do official do mar.
Rio de Janeiro, 1823. 4to, x, 107 pp.
- 1825
- Willaumez, Vice-Amiral: Dictionnaire de marine, nouvelle
edition, revue, corrigee et considerablement augmentee.
Bachelier, Paris, 1825 (2nd ed). 8vo, (4), x, (2), 590 pp, 10 plates. The first edition was published in 1820.
- 1829
- de Grandpr�. Louis Marie Joseph: R�pertoire polyglotte de la marine, � l'usage des navigateurs, et des armateurs. Contenant par ordre alphab�tique la nomenclature des termes de la marine, leur explication raisonn�e, et les m�thodes � employer pour r�soudre les questions d'astronomie, de statique et de physique, relatives � l'art de la marine; suivi de cinq vocabulaires des termes techniques en anglais, espagnol, allemand, italien et portugais.
de Malher & Cie, Paris, 1829. 2 vols, 8vo, (8), 750, (4), 576 pp & 144, (2) pp.
- 1830
- Falconer, William: A new and universal dictionary of the marine; being, a copious explanation of the technical terms and phrases usually employed in the construction, equipment, machinery, movements, and military, as well as naval operations of ships.
T. Cadell [etc.], London, 1830. 4to, xv, 707, [1], 87, [1] pp, xxxv plates (part fold., incl. diagrs.).
First edition 1769.
- 1830
- Vilsoët, C.: Nouveau dictionnaire de marine contenant les termes de navigation, d'architecture navale, d'artillerie, de corderie et de
commerce. Français-danois et danois-français.
Jacob Behrend, Copenhagen, 1830. 8vo.
- 1831
- Bille, Steen Andersen: Haandbog i det franske Sømandssprog udarbejdet til Brug for de kongelige Søkadetter.
Copenhagen, 1831. 8vo.
- 1831
- O'Scalan, Timoteo: Diccionario marítimo espa�ol, que además de las definiciones de las voces con sus equivalentes en franc�s, ingl�s e italiano, contiene tres vocabularios de esto idiomas con las correspondencias castellanas.
Imprenta Real, Madrid, 1831. xlviii, 584 & 188 pp.
Facsimile: Museo Naval, Madrid, 1974.
- 1831
- Willaumez, Jean Baptiste: Dictionnaire de marine, avec
huit planches.
(Bachelier), Paris, 1831. 8vo, (8), 579, (3) pp, 10 pl.
Corrig�e et consid�rablement augment�e. The first edition was published in 1820.
- 1833
- Lantsheer, H.W.: Woordenboek der Fransche zee-termen,
bijeen verzameld en in hollandsche en gedeeltelijk in Engelsche kunstwoorden overgebragt.
De gebroeders van Cleef, 's Gravenhage en te Amsterdam, 1833. 8vo, (2), 159 pp.
First edition 1811.
- 1833
- Møller, Chr. Ferd.: Encyclopædisk sømands-lexicon, eller almindelig ordbog i søevidenskaberne. 1. deel: Construction, skibsbyggerie of søeartillerie. 1. hefte: Aa-A.
Copenhagen, 1833. 40 pp.
- 1833
- Twent, A.C.: Zeeman's woordenboek; of, Versameling der meest gebruikelijke hollandsche zeekunstwoorden en spreekwijzen, in het fransch en engelsch overgebragt, tot nut van zeevarenden en amptenaren bij de marine.
The Hague, 1833 (2nd). 194 pp.
First edition 1813.
- 1834
- Bonnefoux, Pierre Marie Joseph: Petit Dictionnaire abr�g� de Marine, contenant la traduction des termes les plus usuels, en anglais et en espagnol.
J.A. Dezauche, Paris, & C.B. Matenas. Le Havre, 1834. 8vo, 338 pp.
- 1835
- Lecomte, Jules: Dictionnaire pittoresque de marine.
Postel, Paris, 1835. 8vo, viii, 327 pp.
Facsimile: Éds. de l'Estran, Douarnenez, 1982.
Second edition 1836.
- 1835
- Sprenger van Eijk, J.P.: Handleiding tot de kennis van
onze vaderlandsche spreekwoorden en spreekwoordelijke zegswijzen, bijzonder van de scheepvaart en het scheepsleven ontleend.
Mensing en Van Westreten, Rotterdam, 1835. 8vo, x, 165, 22, iv, xvi pp.
- 1836
- Henckel, C. & Born, Wilhelm: Nautical and commerical
pocket-dictionary and dialogue-book for navigators, merchants, and travellers, in eight languages; viz. the English, French, Danish, German, Swedish, Dutch,
Spanish and Italian; as also: the denomination of the principal articles
of merchandize in 11 languages. With maps of the flags of every nation. From the best resources to our knowledge obtainable.
Berling Bros., Copenhagen, 1836. Obl8vo.
Another edition 1840.
- 1836
- Lecomte, Jules: Dictionnaire pittoresque de marine.
Postel, Paris, 1836. +8vo.
First edition 1835.
- 1836
- Sprenger van Eijk, J.P.: Handleiding tot de kennis van
onze vaderlandsche spreekwoorden en spreekwoordelijke zegswijzen,
bijzonder van de scheepvaart en het scheepsleven ontleend
(Waarin ook de opgegevene donkere Spreekwoorden en
Spreekwoordelijke zegswijzen, meerendeels worden
Mensing en Van Westreten, Rotterdam, 1836. 8vo, (5),
viii-xii, 97, x, vii pp.
- 1838
- Harboe, C.L.L.: Dansk-engelsk samt engelsk-dansk Marine-Lexicon, indeholdende Benævnelser paa alt hvad der vedkommer
Søvæsenet, samt Commando-Ord og Talemaader, som bruges til
Copenhagen, 1838. 8vo.
- 1839
- Fisker, H.: Dansk-fransk Sø-Ordbog.
Author, Copenhagen, 1839 & 1843. 2 vols, 8vo, ii, 161, 2, xxii pp & 252, 1 pp.
- 1839
- Harboe, C.L.L.: Dansk Marine-Ordbok.
København, 1839. 8vo, x, (2), 504 pp, ill.
Facsimile: Høst & Søn, København, 1979
- 1840
- Ekbohrn, C.M.: Nautisk ordbok, inneh�llande
popul�ra f�rk laringar �fver de f�rn�msta svenska
sj�termer; en hjelpreda f�r blifvande sj�m�n, skeppsredare,
och �lskare af sj�litteraturen. Med 12 5, texten upplysande,
N.J. Gumperts f�rlag, G�teborg, 1840. 12mo, (5), 258 pp, ill.
J.J. Åstrand var f�rf. behj�lplig med "b�de i theoretiskt
och praktiskt h�nseende &etc. erforderliga, insigter i
- 1840
- Henckel, C. & Born, Wilhelm: Nautical and commerical
pocket-dictionary and dialogue-book for navigators, merchants, and travellers, in eight languages; viz. the English, French, Danish, German, Swedish, Dutch,
Spanish and Italian; as also: the denomination of the principal articles
of merchandize in 11 languages. With maps of the flags of every nation. From the best resources to our knowledge obtainable.
James Daniel, Aberdeen, 1840. Obl8vo, 185, (3) pp, 2 fold. plates.
Another edition 1836.
- 1841
- Roebuck, Thomas: An English and Hindoostanee naval dictionary of technical terms and sea phrases, …
Calcutta, 1841 (4th). 12mo.
First edition 1811.
- 1841
- Sarrazin de Montferrier, Alexandre Andr� Victor: Dictionnaire universal et raisonn�, par une soci�t� de savans et de marins. Ouvrage renferment des recherches historiques sur l'origine, le d�veloppement et l'influence de la marine des diff�rentes nations (par A. Barginet).
Bureau du Dictionnaire de Marine, Paris, 1841. 4to, 680 pp, 18 plates.
Second edition 1846.
- 1842
- Roest, C.: Het marine stoomwerkting beschreven in den vorm van een woordenboek in de Nederdiertsche, Fransche en Engelsche talen.
G. Hulst van Keulen, Amsterdam, 1842.
- 1843
- Lem�theyer, François Fr�d�ric: Dictionnaire moderne des termes de marine et de la navigation � vapeur.
A. Lamy, Le Havre, 1843. 16mo, (12), 408 pp.
Another edition: 1845.
- 1844
- Gocvic, E. & Jansen, H.G.: Dictionnaire universel, historique et raisonn� fran�ais-hollandais de marine et de l'art militaire …
Les Fr�res Van Cleef, La Haye & Amsterdam, 1844.
- 1844
- Roebuck, Thomas: A naval dictionary of technical terms, appended to W.C. Smyth's Hindostanee interpreter.
London, 1844.
- 1845
- Lem�theyer, François Fr�d�ric: Dictionnaire moderne des termes de marine et de la navigation � vapeur.
Robiquet, Paris, 1845. 12mo, 408 pp.
Another edition: 1843.
- 1845
- Reehorst, Karel Pieter ter: Woordenboek der zee-, stoom-, en
scheepsbouwkundige termen, in de hollandsche, fransche en engelsche talen. Dictionnaire français-hollandais, des termes techniques empoyes dans la marine a voiles et a vapeur, dans l'architecture navale et le commettage. Dictionary of nautical-, steam- and shipbuilding-terms, in the English and Dutch.
Hulst van Keulen, Amsterdam, 1845. 3 vols, 8vo.
- 1846
- Sarrazin de Montferrier, Alexandre Andr� Victor: Dictionnaire universal et raisonn�, par une soci�t� de savans et de marins. Ouvrage renferment des recherches historiques sur l'origine, le d�veloppement et l'influence de la marine des diff�rentes nations (par A. Barginet).
1846 (2nd). 4to, 711 pp, 18 plates.
First edition 1841.
- 1846
- Young, Arthur: Nautical Dictionary: containing explanations of terms and phrases used in the building and outfit of sailing vessels and steam-ships; in seamanship, navigation, and nautical astronomy; and in naval gunnery: a description of the marine steam-engine and notice of the
screw-propeller: with short practical treatises on the various branches of of marine insurance and average, and general information in regard to maritime affairs.
William Middleton, Dundee, 1846. 12mo, viii, 408 pp, 2 plates.
- 1846
- Funch, D.H.: Dansk marine-ordbog.
1846. 2 vols, 4to, (10), 171 pp, 67 plates & 4to, 152 pp.
Facsimile: Høst & Søn, København, 1976.
- 1847
- Bobrik, Eduard: Allgemeines nautisches W�rterbuch mit Sacherkl�rungen: deutsch, englisch, franz�sisch, spanisch, portugiesisch, italienisch, schwedisch, d�nisch, holl�ndisch.
Leipzig, 1847. 572 pp.
Other editions: 1848, 1850, & 1858 (2nd).
- 1847
- Bonnefoux, Joseph Pierre Marie & Paris, François Edmond: Dictionnaire de la marine � voiles et � vapeur.
A. Bertrand, Paris, 1847. 2 vols, 8vo, viii, 736 pp, 7 plates.
Second volume undated but probably printed in 1851.
Second edition 1856.
- 1848
- Bobrik, Eduard: Allgemeines nautisches W�rterbuch mit Sacherkl�rungen: deutsch, englisch, franz�sisch, spanisch, portugiesisch, italienisch, schwedisch, d�nisch, holl�ndisch.
First edition: 1847. Based on R�ding's Allgemeines
W�rterbuch der Marine, 1793-1798
- 1848
- Roebuck, Thomas: An English and Hindoostanee naval dictionary of technical terms and sea phrases, …
Calcutta, 1848. 12mo.
First edition 1811. This edition revised by Wm. Carmichael Smyth.
- 1849
- Diccionario marino Espa�ol-Inle�s y Inle�s-Espa�ol para el uso del Colegio Naval. Por el Jefe de Escuadra de la Armada Don Juan Jos� Martinez de Espinoza y Tacon, Comandante General de Artilleria y de Infanteria de Marina, …
J. Martin Alegria, Madrid, 1849. 8vo, (14), 280, (2), x, (2), 486 pp.
Facsimile: Editorial Naval, Servicio de Publicaciones de la Armada, Madrid, 1989.
- 1849
- Martínez de Espinoza y Tacón, Juan Jos�:
Diccionario marino españ-ingles & ingles-espa�ol para el uso
del Colegio Naval.
Madrid, 1849. 2 vols, 8vo, x, 486 pp, 2 plates.
- 1849
- Reehorst, Karel Pieter ter: The Mariner's Friend or polyglot indispensable and technical Dictionary in ten different Languages …
Kampen, 1849. 8vo. Other editions: 1850, 1851, and 1865.
- 1849
- Reehorst, Karel Pieter ter: The mariner's friend, or Polyglot indespensible, and technical dictionary of upwards four thousand fivehundred nautical-, steam- and shipbuilding-terms …
C.F. Stemler, Amsterdam, 1849. xviii, 404, 41 pp. Covers ten languages. [Maritiem Museum 'Prins Hendrik' records xv, 202 pp.]
- 1849
- Wijk, M.P.: Handboek voor loodsen in … Hollandsch,
Engelsch, Deensch, of Noordsch, Duitsch, Zweedsch, Fransch, Spaansch en
Rotterdam, 1849. iv, 26 pp.
- 1850
- Bobrik, Eduard: Allgemeines nautisches W�rterbuch mit Sacherkl�rungen: deutsch, englisch, franz�sisch, spanisch, portugiesisch, italienisch, schwedisch, d�nisch, holl�ndisch.
Leipzig, 1850. 8vo, 752 pp.
First edition: 1847.
- 1848-50
- Jal, Auguste: Glossaire nautique. Rep�rtoire
polyglotte de termes de marine anciens et modernes.
Didot, Paris, 1848-50. 4to, 1591 pp, ill.
Facsimile: Bottega d'Erasmo, Turin, 1964. 2 vols.
- 1850
- Reehorst, Karel Pieter ter: Polyglot marine dictionary, in ten languages.
J.J. Griffin, London, 1850. Obl8vo, 404, xli pp.
English, Dutch, German, Danish, Norwegian, Swedish, Italian, Spanish, Portugese, and Russian. First published in 1849.
- 1851
- Calwagen, Fredr. M.: Svenskt, Engelskt och Franskt samt Engelskt och Svenskt Sj�-Lexicon, eller samling af de mest
brukliga Sj�-termer p� dess spr�k. Utarbetadt efter Henry Neumans Marine Pocket-Dictionary.
A. Cedergren, Stockholm, 1851. 8vo, (6), 114 pp.
- 1850
- Reehorst, Karel Pieter ter: The Mariner's Friend or polyglot indispensable, and technical dictionary, of ... nautical-, steam- and shipbuilding-terms, commercial and scientific expressions, etc. in ten different languages, etc.
London, 1851. Obl., 8vo. First edition 1849.
- 1855
- Filippe, D. Luiz: Novo Diccionario da Marinha de Guerra e Mercante, contendo todos os maritimos, Astronomicos, Construccao, e Artilheria Naval: com um Appendice Instructivo de Tudo Que Deve Sabre a Gente do Mar.
Lisboa, 1855. 556 pp.
- 1856
- Bonnefoux, Joseph Pierre Marie & Paris, François Edmond: Dictionnaire de la Marine � Voile.
1856. 8vo, (2), xiv, 776 pp, 7 fold. plates.
Facsimile: Bauudouin, Paris, 1980.
Diffusion F.R., Paris, 1987.
- 1857
- Carranza y Echeverria, Jos� de: Glosarios de terminos refrentes a las maquinas maritimas de vapor y sus calderas en INgles, Frances y Espa�ol …
Impr. J. Martin, Alegria, Madrid, 1857.
- 1858
- Bobrik, Eduard: Allgemeines nautisches W�rterbuch mit Sacherkl�rungen: deutsch, englisch, franz�sisch, spanisch, portugiesisch, italienisch, schwedisch, d�nisch, holl�ndisch.
First edition: 1847.
- 1859
- Landelle, Gabriel de la: Le langage des marins. Recherches historiques et critiques sur le vocabulaire maritime. Expressions figur�es en usage parmi les marins. Recueil de locutions techniques et pittoresques. Suivi d'un index m�thodique.
E. Dentu, Paris, 1859. 8vo, 444 pp.
- 1862
- "Charles de Bussy": Dictionnaire Universel de Marine � l'usage des marines, des voyageurs, et des gens du monde avec la traduction des termes de la marine française en termes de la marine anglaise.
Firmin Didot fr�res, fils et Cie, Paris, 1862. 12mo, 411 pp.
The author was Charles Marchal.
- 1862
- Mariboe, William Ludwig: Engelsk-dansk Marine-Ordbog.
Gyldendal, Copenhagen, 1862. 8vo, 140 pp.
- 1863
- Young, Arthur: Nautical Dictionary.
Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts & Green, London, 1863. 8vo, viii, 492 pp. First edition 1846.
- 1865
- Reehorst, Karel Pieter ter: The mariner's friend, or polyglot indispensable and technical dictionary, containing upwards of five thousand modern nautical steam and shipbuilding terms, commercial and scientific expressions, denominations of art and an explanatory preface of requirements in ten different languages. English, Dutch, German, Swedish, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese and Russian.
Mrs Janet Taylor, London, 1865 (2nd). First edition 1849.
- 1866
- Ramsten, C.H.: Svenskt och engelskt samt engelskt och
svenskt nautiskt handlexikon, inneh�llande alla nu brukliga sj�-,
�ngmaskin- och artilleri-termer samt ben�mningar p� allt hvad
till ett �rlogs- eller handelsfartygs utrustning h�rer,
jemte ett bihang inneh�llande kompasstrecken p� 10 olika
spr�k samt engelska m�tt-, m�l- och vigtsystem.
Adolf Bonnier, Stockholm, 1866. -8vo, (8), 172, (4) pp.
- 1867
- Smyth, W.H.: The Sailors's Word-Book: an Alphabethical Digest of Nautical Terms, including some more especially military and scientific, but useful to seamen; as well as arcaisms
of early voyages etc.
Blackie and Son, London, 1867. 8vo, vi, 744 pp.
Facsimile: Conway Maritime Press, London.
- 1869
- Tiberghien, A.: Vocabulario Nautico. Portuguez-Francez e Francez-Portuguez …
Dupont & Mendon�a, Rio de Janeiro, 1869.
- 1870
- Fincati, Luigi: Dizionario di marina. Francese-italiano.
Genova, 1870. 8vo, 381 pp.
- 1870
- Tecklenborg, Heinrich: Internationales W�rterbuch der
Marine �ber alle im Verkehr vorkommenden technischen Ausdr�cke. 1.
Thl.: Aus italienischen, spanisch, portugiesisch, fransz�sisch,
holl�ndisch, d�nisch, schwedisch, englisch in deutsch. 2. Thl.: Aus
deutsch in obige acht Sprachen.
Johann Georg Heyse, Bremen, 1870. 8vo, xvi, 496 pp.
- 1870
- Uggla, Th.: Engelskt-svenskt och svenskt-engelskt sj�- och handelslexikon, inneh�llande alla nu brukeliga sj�-,
skeppsbyggeri, �ngmaskins-, artilleri- och handelstermer,
samt ben�mningar p� hvad till sj�v�sendet, handeln och den
praktiska lagfarenheten h�rer, jemte ett bihang, inneh�llande
engelska och amerikanska mynt-, m�tt-, m�l- och vigtsystemen,
samt namnen p� de f�rn�msta l�nder, hamnar etc., jemte de
resp. platsernas longitud, latitud och tidvatten h�jder mm.
Gefle, 1878. 2 vol, 8vo, 1372 pp.
- 1872
- Tiberghien, A.: Diccionario de mar�nha. Portuguez, francez, inglez e vice-versa …
Dupont, Rio de Janeiro, 1872.
- 1875
- Clausen, R.A.: Norsk-engelsk sø-ordbog.
K.C. Grøntoft, Kristiansand, 1875. 8vo.
- 1877
- Angra, Barão de: Diccionario maritimo Brazileiro.
Typ. e Lith. do Imperial Instituto Artistico, Rio de Janeiro, 1877. 286
pp, ill.
Portuguese with equivalents in French and English.
- 1877
- Fincati, Luigi:Vocabolario nautico inglese italiano e italiano inglese.
Tipografia Barbera, Roma, 1877.
- 1879
- Boom, Dignus Jacobus: Zeemans woordenboek ten gebruike van zee-officieren … Dictionnaire de marine … Naval dictionary …
van Cleef, The Hague, 1879. 12mo, 364 pp.
Other editions: 1888 (2nd).
- 1879
- Littleton, A.C.: Vocabulary of sea words in English, French, German, Spanish and Italian.
Griffin & Co., Portsmouth, 1879.
- 1879
- Settembrini, Raffaele: A nautical and technical dictionary of the English and Italian languages.
Antonio Moreno, Naples, 1879. 8vo, 425 pp.
- 1880
- Badings, A.H.L.: Dictionnaire de marine dans les langues hollandaise, malaise, françiase, anglaise � l'usage des marins qui visitent les Indes orientales. Woordenboek voor de zeevaart in het Hollandsch - Maleisch - Fransch - Engelsch met verklarenden hollandschen tekst, ten dienste van zeevarenden, die de indische wateren bezoeken.
S.E. van Nooten et Zoon, Schoonhoven, 1880.
- 1880
- Oppman, R.M.: Sj�manstolk p� Svenska, Finska och Engelska.
J.C. Frenckell & son, Helsingfors, 1880. 8vo.
- 1880
- Pornain, Eug�ne M. Ch.: Termes nautiques (Sea Terms) Anglais-Francais.
Rumbebe, Toulon, 1880 (2nd). 8vo, xiv, 159 pp.
- 1880
- Poussart, A.: Dictionnaire des termes de marine, marine � voiles et � vapeur.
Garnier fr�res, Paris, 1880. 16mo, vi, 282 pp, 14 pp adv., ill.
- 1881
- A naval encyclopædia: comprising a dictionary of nautical words and phrases; biographical notices, and records of naval officers; special articles on naval art and science, written expressly for this work by officers and others of recognized authority in the branches treated by them. Together with descriptions of the principal naval stations and seaports of the world.
Lewis R. Hammersly & Co, Philadeplhia, 1881. 4to, viii, 1017 pp.
Other editions: 1882, 1884, & 1971 (facs.).
- 1882
- Roebuck, Thomas: A Laskari dictionary; or Anglo-Indian vocabulary of nautical terms and phrases in English and Hindustani, chiefly in the corrupt jargon in use among the Laskars, or Indian sailors ... Compiled by Capt. T. Roebuck ... Revised ... by W. Carmichael Smyth ... and now ... re-edited and enlarged.
W.H. Allen & Co., London, 1882. 8vo, viii, 85 pp.
First edition 1811. This edition revised by Wm. Carmichael Smyth and G. Small.
- 1883
- Coxe, John C.: An illustrated nautical polyglot. Containing drawings of all the merchant sailing vessels, now in use by the principal maritime
nations, together with alphabetical and numerical descriptions of the several
parts of the same, viz: masts, yards, sails &c., in six different languages as
follows: English, Spanish, Italian, Scandinavian, German and French.
C.L. Coxe, New York, 1883. iv, 35 pp, ill.
Second edition 1885.
- 1883
- Dabovich, P.E.: Dizionario tecnico e nautico di marina. Italiano, Tedesco, Francese ed Inglese / Nautische-Technisches W�rterbuch der
Marine. Deutsch, italienisch, franz�sisch und englisch.
Julius Dase, Trieste [Pola] & Gerold & Comp, Wien & Ermano Loescher, Torino & Challamel a�n�, Paris & Dulau & Co., London, 1883-1910. 2 vols, 1248 pp.
- 1883
- Russell, William Clark: Sailor's language: a collection of sea-terms and their definitions.
Sampson Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington, London, 1883. 8vo, fp, xvi, 164 pp, 23 engraved plates.
- 1883
- Witcomb, Henry & Tiret, Edmond: Dictionnaire des termes de marine français-anglais et anglais-français.
Challamel a�n�, Paris, 1883. 2 vols, 4to, 687 pp & 701 pp.
- 1885
- Coxe, John C.: An illustrated nautical polyglot. Containing drawings and descriptions in English, German, French, Spanish, Italian and Scandinavian, of the different classes of sailing vessels, also of steamers, engines and boilers, to which is added a complete list of ship chandlery, stores, engineers' supplies, tools, & c., also rendered into the above six languages ...
C.L. Coxe, New York, 1885 (2nd). (6), 3-35 ...
First edition 1883.
- 1885
- Paasch, Henri: De la Quille � la Pomme du Mât. Dictionnaire de marine anglais, français et allemand illustr� de nombreux dessins explicatifs � l'usage des armateurs, constructeurs et courtiers de navires, soci�t�s d'assurances, dispacheurs, avocats, traducteurs, experts nautiques, capitaines et officiers de marine, ing�nieurs maritimes, r�dacteurs de journaux, candidats-officiers de marine. /
From Keel to Truck. A Marine Dictionary in English, French, and German, amply illustrated by explanary diagrams of the most important details for the use of ship-owners, builders, brokers, insurance societies, average staters, barristers, …
Ratinckx fr�res, Anvers & Challamel a�n�, Paris, 1885. 8vo, (2), ii, (4), 206, (2), civ pp, 84 plates.
D. Nutt, London, 1885. 8vo, (2), ii, (4), 206, (2=, civ pp, plates.
Other editions: 1894 (2nd), 1901 (3rd), 1902, 1908 (4th), 1924, 1937 (5th), 1960, 1964.
- 1887
- Konow, Seth von: Svensk-fransk och fransk-svensk
sj�-milit�risk ordbok.
P.A. Norstedt & S�ner, Stockholm, 1887. 8vo, (4), 168 pp.
Seth von Konow (1854-1944) Captain at the Swedish Kongl. Flottan, R.Fr. H.L.
- 1888
- Boom, Dignus Jacobus: Zeemans woordenboek ten gebruike van zee-officieren, gezaghebbers en stuurlienden der koopvardij, ingenieurs van scheepsbouw, machinisten, fabriekanten, reeders en assuradeuren / Dictionnaire de marine fran�ais, hollandais, anglais et allemand � l'usage des officiers de la marine de guerre et de la marine marchande, ing�nieurs de la marine, m�caniciens, fabricants, armateurs et assuradeurs / Naval dictionary …
van Cleef, The Hague, 1888 (2nd). 12mo, 714 pp.
First edition 1879.
- 1888
- Delbos, L�on: Nautical Terms in English and French and French and English, with notes and tables for the use of naval officers and naval cadets.
Williams & Norgate, London, Oxford, 1888. 12mo.
Other editions: 1890 (2nd), 1896 (3rd), 1902 (4th), & 1914.
- 1889
- Picard, Ernest & Fremantle, Sydney Robert: Langage marine.
Anglais-français. Extraits de r�glements. Connaissance utiles
aux officers des marines de France et d'Angleterre.
Berger-Levrault, Paris, 1889. 8vo, 165 pp.
An English edition in 1890.
- 1890
- Brynildsen, J.: Kortfattet norsk-engelsk sø-ordbog.
Horten, 1890. 8vo.
- 1890
- Delbos, L�on: Nautical Terms in English and French and French and English. With Notes and Tables. For the Use of Naval Officers and Naval Cadets.
Williams and Norgate, London & Edinburg, 1890 (2nd). 8vo.
First edition 1888.
- 1890
- Paasch, Henri: Illustrated Marine Encyclopedia.
Ratinckx fr�res, Anvers & Challamel a�n�, Paris, 1890. 8vo, (6), 308, (29) pp, 200 plates.
Facsimile: Argus Books, Waterford, 1977.
- 1890
- Pornain, Eug�ne M. Ch.: Termes nautiques (Sea Terms)
Augustin Challamel, Paris, 1890 (3rd). 12mo, xii, 201, 2 pp.
- 1891
- Patterson, Howard: Patterson's Illustrated Nautical Dictionary. Unabridged ... a work of reference for naval, revenue, and merchant marine officers ... adapted for the use of the rank and file of the United States Naval Reserve.
Publication Offices, New York, 1891. 4to, (30), 392, (6) pp, ill. Another edition 1901.
- 1891
- Smith, Carl: B�tseglarordbok.
1891. 8vo, (6), 144, (2) pp, ill.
Facsimile: Stockholms Stadsmuseum, Stockholm, 1974.
- 1894
- Livron, Andrei Karlovich de: Anglo-Russian marine dictionary containing a collection of technical sea-terms and commanding words.
Low-Marston, St. Petersburg & London, 1894. 162 pp.
Another edition in 1914.
- 1894
- Paasch, Henri: De la Quille � la Pomme du Mât. Dictionnaire de marine anglais, français et allemand illustr� de nombreux dessins explicatifs.
Anvers, 1894 (2nd). 509, lxiii pp, 103 plates.
A. Challamel, Paris, 1894 (2nd).
- 1894
- Paasch, Henri: From Keel to Truck. Marine Dictionary in
English, French and Germany.
Wm. Fisher, London, 1894 (2nd). Tv4to, (4), 508, 103, lxiii pp, 104 pl.
Amply illustrated by explanatory diagrams of the most important details.
- 1894
- Paasch, Henri: Vom Kiel zum Flaggenknopf. Illustrirtes Marine-W�rterbuch in English, Franz�sische un Deutsch.
Eckardt & Messtorff, Hamburg, 1894 (2nd). (4), 509, lxiii pp, 103 plates [description of each plate on recto of plate following)
- 1894
- Parker, J.H.P.: Anglo-Chinese glossary of terms used in shipbuilding, marine, engineering, rigging, etc.
Shanghai, 1894. 8vo, x, (197) pp, 100 plates.
- 1895
- Patterson, Howard: Patterson's Naval Dictionary Illustrated. A guide and reference book for officers and men of the Navy, etc.
New York Nautical College, New York, [1895]. 8vo, 68 pp, ill.
- 1895
- Pirrie, William: A technical dictionary (English-French and French-English) of sea terms, phrases, and words in the English and French languages for the use of seamen, engineers, pilots, shipbuilders, shipowners, and others.
Crosby Lockwood, London, 1895. 12mo, viii, 354 pp, 6 pp adv.
Second edition 1921.
- 1896
- Delbos, L�on: Nautical Terms in English and French and French and English with notes and tables for the use of naval officers and naval cadet.
1896 (3rd).
First edition 1888.
- 1896
- Terry y Rivas, Antonio: Diccionario marítimo ingl�s-espa�ol y vocabulario marítimo espa�ol-ingl�s.
Madrid, 1896. 8vo, viii, 371 pp.
- 1897
- Díaz de Quijano, Jos�: Diccionario enciclop�dico de marina compuesto según los datos mas recientes …
Madrid, 1897. 699 pp.
Only the letters A-C were ever published.
- 1898
- Ansted, A.: A dictionary of sea terms for yachtsmen, amateur boatmen and beginners.
L.U. Gill, London, 1898. iv, 320 pp, ill.
Other editions 1917, 1919, 1920, 1928, 1933, 1944, 1967, & 1985.
- 1899
- Ekel�f, Adolf: Svensk nautisk ordlista (med tvenne
A.L. Normans f�rlags-expedition, Stockholm, 1899. 24vo, iii,
224 pp, ill, 4 plates.
- 1899
- Kann, Charles: Commercial and marine pocket dictionary, and general dialogue, for travellers, merchants, navigators, and shipping agents, in six languages, viz. English, French, German, Italian, Danish, Norwegian, and Swedish, …
Deal, 1866 [?]. Obl12mo.
- 1899
- Pornain, Eug�ne M. Ch.: Termes nautiques (Sea Terms) Anglais-Français.
Augustin Challamel, Paris, 1899.
- 1899
- Sandman, Gustaf Z.: Svensk-finsk och finsk-svensk nautisk ordbok.
O. Ekroos, Viborg, 1899. 8vo, 174 pp.
- 1899
- Smith, Carl: B�tseglareordbok. En samling
f�rklaringar, upplysningar och v�lmenta r�d.
1899. 12mo, 144, (2) pp, ill. Supplement to Ny Tidning f�r Idrott, No. 1.
Facsimile: Rediviva, Stockholm, 1974.
- 1899
- Thomas, Northcote Whitridge: The Naval Wordbook. Ein systematisches w�rterbuch marine-technischer ausdr�cke in englisher und deutscher sprache.
Kiel & Leipzig, 1899. xviii, 246 pp.
Another edition 1901.
Updated 1999-07-27 by
Lars Bruzelius
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